L'NEFER Rejuvenative Beauty Detox (14-day)


Our sacred proprietary herbal blend is a 14-day detox that cleanses the body and purifies the blood, to help create a youthful radiant glow from within. Promotes hair and nail growth, strips tongue, and cleanses unhealthy cravings. This detox includes our two tea blends “Tummy Tuck Detox “ and “Sludge Removal Tea” this powerful combo helps remove waste from the colon and kills intestinal parasites to help you radiate healthy beautiful skin. 100% organic and wildcrafted.

The L’NEFER Rejuvenative Beauty Detox cleanses the KA- the physical manifestation of the body, so it can clearly align with the BA- the Divine spirit within. This powerful detox works on a cellular level rid the spirit of self-destructive behaviors, and balances left and right brain function. Not only does this “Beauty Detox” assist in the molding of one’s character, but it helps the participant gain clarity of Self through internal conflict resolution, as well as assists with mastery of emotions through the elimination of fear in the body.

Use this detox to level up in life, whether you would like to manifest abundance, beauty, or a deeper connection to self. L’NEFER Rejuvenative Beauty Detox is charged and coded with Sacred Ancestral Reiki to ensure the Herbal Elixir goes directly to the root of one’s blockages and purges it. This is a sacred plant medicine and must be honored as such. Get ready for a major shift in your life.

***For deep internal detox purchase two 14 Day Detox kits and complete cleanse for 28 days

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“Sludge Removal Tea”

Ingredients: Black Walnut Hull, Burdock, Clove, Neem, Oregano, Pau D'arco, Wormwood, Hibiscus, Ginger

“Tummy Tuck Detox”

Ingredients: Cascara sagrada, Dandelion, Rhubarb, Sage, Senna, Slippery Elm, Cerasee (Momordica Charantia), Lavender


It is not recommended if you are pregnant or nursing.

Not because of the herbs, but because the blend causes toxins

to be released into the blood stream that could possibly travel

to the placenta or breast milk. Also if you are taking diabetic

medications please closely monitor your blood sugar.

The cleanse could normalize your blood sugars and potentially

lead to hypoglycemia when taken with medications.

Consult with your physician before use.