1/11 Portal & New Moon in Capricorn: Manifesting the NEW YOU 

Welcome, L’NEFER Family, to the NEW YOU. We have arrived! 

A cosmic portal has opened and we are being ushered into a new era. The cosmos is illuminating our pathway forward into inner balance and collective harmony. The universe devotedly supports the manifestation of our most beautiful dreams. Now is our opportunity to expand exponentially, making quantum leaps into a new life and into the NEW YOU!

Beloved, now is the time to think big, and dream bigger. You are FREE to DREAM BIGGER than you have ever dreamed before. A life of true wealth and riches is available to those of us who choose to not play small and commit to actualize our beautiful big dreams. 

This year we are focusing on inner renewal and deepened commitment to be the best version of ourselves. Be ALL IN when it comes to manifesting your sacred visions. Challenges are inevitable, stay steadfast. Obstacles will arise, remain devoted. No matter what happens, trust in the process and surrender to the journey. Keep the fire in your heart burning for your dreams.

Please know, there is no new year without a NEW YOU! If you enter into this new season with the same habits, patterns and perspectives then you will continue to be the same. It is only through complete renewal of our thoughts, habits and mindsets that we have the power to be born anew and make this new year our best year yet!

1/11: Powerful Portal for Manifestation

The first new moon of 2024 lands on this supercharged 1/11 manifestation portal.This portal is one that sets us up for the rest of 2024 and beyond to achieve our goals. 1/11 sets the energetic tone for the entire year, so it is certainly one to pay close and careful attention to. To make the most of this energy, invest your time to amplify your energy and raise your vibration. Fill yourself with the energy you desire more of in your life. Right now, there is so much divine support to manifest the life of our dreams — so let’s make the most of it.

Planting Fertile Seeds: New Moon in Capricorn

This is a moment of powerful cosmic alignment – 1/11 Portal & the New Moon in Capricorn on January 11, 2024. This celestial event opens a gateway to understanding our deeper purpose and how we can contribute to humanity's betterment. Let's delve into the energy of this New Moon and explore ways to harness its influence for personal growth and collective good.

Capricorn, ruled by Saturn, is the sign of structure, discipline, and ambition. The New Moon in this sign brings a focused and grounding energy, encouraging us to set practical goals and build a solid foundation for our future.

This New Moon is a potent time for the collective as it focuses on themes of responsibility, ambition, and practical achievement. It's a call to align with our highest goals and to construct a solid foundation for our aspirations.

Key Focus Points

  • Set Practical Goals: Embrace the earthy energy of Capricorn to set achievable, realistic goals.

  • Emphasize Discipline: Cultivate discipline and resilience to stay committed to your objectives.

  • Release the Old: Use this transformative power energy to let go of what no longer serves your highest purpose.

Tips, Rituals, and Practical Action Steps

  • Goal-Setting Ritual: On the night of the New Moon, write down your long-term goals. Light a dark green or brown candle, symbolizing Capricorn's earthy energy, to focus your intentions.

  • Create a Vision Board: Visualize your aspirations by creating a vision board that reflects your goals for the year, including career, personal growth, and financial ambitions.

  • Meditation for Clarity: Meditate with crystals like garnet or onyx, which resonate with Capricorn energy, to gain clarity and focus.

  • Nature Walks: Connect with Earth’s energy through walks in nature, especially in mountainous areas, to ground yourself and find inspiration in the stability of the natural world.

  • Structured Planning: Allocate time each day for planning and organizing your activities. Use this period to break down your goals into actionable steps.

  • Reflect and Release: Engage in a reflective practice to identify and consciously release old habits or beliefs that hinder your progress.

  • Community Involvement: Capricorn energy also emphasizes the role of community and structure. Participate in community events or group activities that align with your goals.

  • Affirmations for Discipline: Start your day with affirmations that reinforce discipline, responsibility, and ambition.

As we move through the Capricorn New Moon, remember that the cosmos is inviting us to step into our power, structure our dreams, and lay the groundwork for lasting success. This is a time to harmonize with the cosmic cycles, transforming our ambitions into tangible realities. Embrace the discipline and determination of Capricorn and utilize the 1/11 Manifestation Portal to make your dreams come true and become the NEW YOU! 🌑✨


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