Margazhi Month - A Time to Restore MA’AT for Balance and Stability

Seasons greetings, Sol Tribe!

During the month of Margazhi we are being called to restore MA’AT in our lives to ease into a state of balance and equilibrium.

Margazhi is a Tamil month that starts from December 16 and lasts until January 14. At this time of year the planet is closest to the sun, and the sun’s gravitational pull is functioning at its highest. With the sun being so close to Earth during Margazhi, there is a maximum pull of the sun’s gravity, pulling the planet and us downward from the base. This affects the human system by bringing a focus to the root, our foundational energy, and the energy of preservation. It is significant because it naturally supports the energy of living in MA’AT by encouraging us to slow down and bring more balance and stability to the system. 

Margazhi month is considered significant for spiritual seekers and practitioners because of the powerful effect it has on the human energy system. This is an opportunity to stabilize ourselves in order to transform our energy in a positive and productive way. Right now, we have natural assistance from the Universe to be grounded in stability in order to facilitate lasting spiritual growth that will allow us more mobility in the next chapter. Only by creating enough stability within ourselves, do we have the strength and stamina to be mobile going forward.

This is also a highly auspicious time for deepened spiritual practice because it brings MA’AT, a natural sense of balance and stability. The more energy we invest in stabilizing ourselves will result in ordering any psychological imbalances that may be present in our system. 

Additionally, this is a time of role reversals between the feminine and masculine to promote balance. Masculine energy benefits from engaging in more feminine practices, and feminine energy benefits from engaging in more masculine practices. Men will do what generally women are supposed to do, and women will do what generally men are supposed to do. The purpose of this is to break norms around gender superiority and promote the awareness that all beings consist of both feminine and masculine energy that needs to be balanced for optimal health. 

To live deeply in MA’AT and fully maximize the energy of Margazhi, here are practices to focus on that will support balancing and stabilizing your system:

  • Meditation

  • Yoga

  • Exercise (intentional physical activity)

  • Hiking

  • Swimming

  • Lighting candles or oil lamps to connect with Spirit

  • Breathwork

It is of the utmost importance to harmonize with the natural movements and cycles of Earth. Remember, to bring stability to your life, you must slow down. 


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