L’NEFER Sacred Juice Feast

Wholeness and balance Sol Family,

Bountiful beautiful times are amongst us, join us in observance of the Winter Solstice. This solstice is a very potent time as we transition from the year 2022 (numerology number 6) to 2023 (number 7) which is the transition from the 6 of nurturing and stability to the 7 which is the cosmic spiral of evolution.

L’NEFER temple will be observing this transformative time with a Sacred Juice Feast where starting the 21st of December to the 25th we will only consume juice during this time in respect of the Sun. In the book of Coming Fourth by Day and Night, this is the time where Ra (the Sun) begins his travels through the halls of Amenti which is the multiverse of possibilities. During this state of darkness starting the 21st the Sun gets closer to the stratosphere and re-emerges on the 25th. During this time Ra fully travels through the Halls of Amenti and completes the cycle to bring in the new season. In homage and reverence to Ra we will partake in a Sacred Juice Feast to lighten the Ka (Body) and Ba (soul) to realign with the great cosmic shift into the new Era.

If you choose to detox and fast during this time, here are some guidelines to assist you through the process

  • It is imperative that you drink water or coconut water during this cleanse to avoid dehydration

  • Make all of your juices with intention this is your time devote your energy to what you are putting in your body

  • Fresh squeezed orange juice is one of the best juices to assist with caloric intake and hunger during the detox

  • During this time practice mono-juicing, this is drinking one juice type at a time, citrus, melon, green juice, should all be consumed at least one hour apart.

  • Melons yield the most water and greens yield the least

  • Have a gallon or more of fresh juice a day for best results

  • Cucumbers and spring water are great juice base additions

  • Store all your fresh juices in a glass mason jar, avoid plastic containers

  • Have a balance between fruit juices and green juices for energy and nutrients

  • Plan out your juice recipes ahead of time so you know how to shop at the grocery store

With this guideline and the recipes included in the wellness section you are more than ready to begin this sacred juice feast in a good way Asé give ankhs and praise to Ra

*** We are not medical consultants, please consult with your medical practitioner before fasting or taking any further


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