L’NEFER Lion’s Gate Raw Food Challenge

We invite you to join the L’NEFER Raw Food Challenge.
On this journey we will be eating raw fruits and vegetables during this time for optimum health, beautiful skin and abundance.

Starting on August 8th, L’NEFER Temple tribe will be going on a 22 day raw food journey
beginning on the 8/8 Lion’s Gate Portal.

The Lions Gate Portal occurs every year on August 8th when the Sun is in Leo, the Star Sirius, Orion’s Belt and the Earth all line up. This potent energetic portal offers a powerful opportunity to manifest and magnetize more abundance than you could ever dream of. This portal amplifies the energies of joy, abundance and prosperity, and connects you to your hearts truth. This is a time to be courageous and boldly open up new doors of opportunity that are divinely aligned. All of the magick, good fortune and abundance of the cosmos is available to us now. All that is required of us to receive these cosmic gifts is to lighten our hearts, clarify our forward vision, and remain firmly rooted in joy and gratitude no matter what challenges arise. Especially at this time, be committed to investing time and energy into things that make you joyful so that you may open and expand your heart exponentially.

In order to make the most of this time and maximize the potency of this profound energy we will be lightening the Ka and the Ba to become one with our unique energetic blueprint. We each came here on a sacred soul mission, and in order to fulfill this mission we must be light.

We lighten by eating for life, for energy, and for true sustenance. Cutting out anything from our diet that is heavy and weighing us down. It’s time for all of us to be free, and true freedom starts with our eating/consumption habits.

It’s time to detox your body. Cleanse your bones and lymphatic system by eating organic fruits and vegetables. Mind your mind, control your thoughts. This is how you gain optimum health, strong immune system, and radiant flowing vibrant skin.

So get ready to take flight, get ready to take off on your own energetic upgrade, and get ready for this magical journey. Embrace your own infinite and magical beauty as you lighten your Ka and Ba with raw foods.

The L’NEFER Raw Food Challenge is here to support you as you prepare to receive your abundance, your latest up-level, upgrade. Prepare before success arrives - whatever success means to you because everyone’s success is different. Stay ready so you don’t have to get ready - meaning, prepare ahead of time to receive abundance and success in all its forms so that when it shows up you are ready.

Join the fast to lighten up and manifest the clarity needed to be your most healthy, abundant and radiant self.

For tips on what to eat and how to prepare your meals please reference the L’NEFER Food List and Wellness Articles on our website, which provide juice, smoothie and salad recipes.


L’NEFER Sacred Juice Feast


L’NEFER Summer Detox Juices & Smoothies