L'NEFER Rejuvenative Beauty Detox Fast

3-Day Detox Fast to clear the body, detox, and rejuvenate the cells. For this detox fast, you will need…

  • One Gallon of spring water

  • Cayenne (to taste)

  • UMF 10+ Manuka honey 3 Teaspoons

  • Organic Key lime 3


  • Organic Lime Juice 1/4 cup

Directions: combine all ingredients and consume throughout the day, once a day for three days consecutively only drinking this mixture. Break fast with fresh fruits and coconut water on the fourth day in the rising.

***Tip: combine the honey with a quarter cup of warm water to dissolve and add it to the gallon of water for easy mixing


L’NEFER Beauty Food Guide


Spring Equinox Detox