Spring Equinox Detox

Blessings Soul Family,   

Happy Energetic New Year! We start this New Year off with the Spring Equinox. This is a time to allow yourself to bloom and start anew, just like the Earth! Here are some suggestions for you that we implore you to incorporate into your life with this energetic New Year!  Take time to tune in away from distractions, the Divine has much to say.

Declutter- Make it a point to declutter and lighten your spaces, get rid of things that no longer serve you, repurpose and simplify. Whether it is your office, home, or car. The Equinox is all about new life and vitality, and in order to bring that change forth in the best way, we must first clear space so this change can occur.

FASTING- Intermittent fasting is important to allow for your body to have a break from constantly processing food. 12-16 hours is a good time frame. Fasting is especially important for your spiritual health and relationship to the Divine! Another form of fasting is water fasting for 1-3 days, it effects you in ways that cannot be explained with words. This practice is a deeply spiritual cathartic release that must be experienced. When you fast, you can become very aware of just how habitual the act of eating has become. Many of us do not eat to satiate hunger, we eat for pleasure. And in the absence of perpetual pleasure-seeking (in all forms), you are exposed to the emotions you mask with your habits, and you can finally be vulnerable to who you truly are. This is where the healing starts. Physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

Dopamine Detox - In our daily lives there are many stimulations that are present creating bad habits. A dopamine detox is refraining from activities that stem from compulsion and impulse. Detoxing from these behaviors creates more space to be mindful and can help your Temple and overall well-being. Activities such as drinking coffee, watching T.V, and scrolling on social media all produce low levels of addicting dopamine. A true “dopamine detox” is impossible because the brain continues to produce dopamine all the time. However, implementing more of these practices would greatly benefit you as we enter this New Year! 

  • Reading- Spend at least 30 minutes working on a new novel or finishing one you have started, knowledge is indeed power so invest in Self during this New Year and learn information that supports your highest growth.

  • Time in Nature-  Take time to commune with nature, the trees, flowers, stones, and animals, all have their own inherent wisdom. Utilize your time in nature to tune into the guidance you need and be one with divine creation.

  • Grounding-  The Earth supports your body by giving off negative ions to balance out your energy field. Take your shoes off and allow your bare feet to root in the soil, this supports the overall renewal of your temple, allows you to destress, and helps to discharge negative and heavy energies. 

  • Sun Gazing- Sun gazing the first 15 minutes when Ra (Sun) rises is a great way to start your day as well to receive the positive ions to help raise your energy field. Sungazing promotes good eye health and curbs appetite. Utilize this ancient ancestral practice to receive your spiritual uploads.  

  • Vitamin D-  We implore you to get more natural Vitamin D from sungazing as well as through food that is high in Vitamin D! The more your temple Is clean and clear the more you can be in Ma’at (balance). 

As always we encourage rest if your body is communicating it needs that, as well as yoga and stretching. Give Thanks!


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