Immunity-Boosting Tips

Blessings Soul Family, here at L’Nefer health is wealth. And especially with all the sickness and dis-ease going around, it’s imperative to fortify you and your family’s immune system. We compiled some at home remedies you can use to stay healthy during this time.



Bring all ingredients (except sweetener and lemon) to a boil in a pot with a lid and simmer for 15-20 minutes. If you prefer an elderberry tea, enjoy a cup of the mixture hot and sweeten. For elderberry syrup allow the mixture to completely cool before straining and sweetening with the desired sweetener, and add lemon juice. Store in the refrigerator for best results

Take 1 tablespoon daily for health and immunity, and if health is compromised take three tablespoons a day for speedy recovery.

Elderberry has become one of the fastest-growing homeopathic remedies because of its potent immunity-boosting powers and versatility. Elderberries are packed with antioxidants and vitamins that help ease inflammation, prevent flu-like symptoms, and even treat serious infections. In this article, we will share some recipes you can use at home to create powerful immunity tonics with this nutrient-rich berry.

Elderberry syrup

*As always Soul family, make sure to use the best ingredients available, use organic and wildcrafted when available

  • 4 cups of water

  • 2 Cups of elderberry (either dried or frozen)

  • 7 whole cloves

  • 1/3 cup of fresh lemon juice

add the following ingredients to your desired liking

  • Cayenne

  • Ginger (fresh or dry)

  • Cinnamon

  • Raw honey, Manuka honey, or date syrup


Seamoss is another nutrient-packed superfood. It’s a heart-healthy immunity booster that supports gut health, promotes weight -loss, helps with muscle recovery, and is a great source of iodine. Seamoss also works as an expectorant and contains anti-inflamatory properties. Seamoss contains 92 minerals out of the 102 needed in the human body and is highly recommended to have on hand. It can be taken in pill form or as a premade gel to add to smoothies, seamoss can also come dried and can be made according to its specific instruction, it can even be applied topically to help with skin conditions ad rashes. Add seamoss to your daily routine and boost your overall health.

Immunity boosting add-ons

  • Vitamin C: Assists the body in growth, development, and body tissue repair

  • Vitamin D: Essential for balanced calcium and phosphorus absorption, as well as supports strong immunity function

  • Zinc: works to strengthen and produce immune cells and blocks viral reproduction

  • N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC): One of the bodi’s most important antioxidants that play a key role in respiratory and immune functions.

As always Soul Family stay healthy and stay blessed, share this page with anyone who needs these health reminders Ase.


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