Winter Solstice Abundance Reset

Winter Solstice Rebirth

Spiritually, the Winter Solstice represents the cosmic rebirth. When we choose to fast during this time, our manifestations are amplified and carried into the New Year in a powerful way. This New Year is especially significant because the earth, and all of her inhabitants, are receiving a divine attunement. Fasting at this time is about lightening the body so we can receive the beneficial energetic shifts that are underway in the cosmos allowing us to reclaim our divinity

Cleanliness is next to Godliness

Drinking water first thing in the rising flushes out the stomach and balances the lymphatic system. A stable lymphatic system helps build the immune system, which will prevent you from getting sick. If you want to enhance this practice, add key limes to warm water for a deeper detox.

Key lime and water

Key limes and warm water when you first wake act as a powerful diuretic, flushing toxins out of the body. The high level of bioflavonoids in the fruit helps the body to dissolve mucus and harmful free radicals. These toxins are then eliminated from the body as waste. If you don’t have key limes, you can substitute them with limes or lemons.

*Fasting (when done correctly and for the right reasons) affects you in ways that cannot be explained with words. This practice is a deeply spiritual cathartic release that must be experienced. When you fast, you can become very aware of just how habitual the act of eating has become. Many of us do not eat to satiate hunger, we eat for pleasure. And in the absence of perpetual pleasure-seeking (in all forms), you are exposed to the emotions you mask with your habits, and you can finally be vulnerable to who you truly are. This is where the healing starts. Physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

Water fast (or juice fast) from the 19th of December to the 21st of December.

Drink only water or fresh cold-pressed juice during this time to detox and manifest abundance. As was stated earlier, on the 21st the earth is going through a major planetary shift - this is when the Earth assumes its rightful place in the celestial family. As the Earth enters this period of potent transformation, it is a perfect time to introduce more abundance and prosperity into our own lives as well. When we stop consuming solid food, we allow our digestive system to rest from the exhausting task of constantly breaking down food. Our bodies will utilize the energy that is normally used for digestion, to heal the body and manifest. The nutrients in the water or juice help to cleanse, repair, and regenerate the entire system, creating a lightness in the body that is very effective in increasing manifesting abilities.

***Be sure to incorporate light movement such as yoga, and meditation in the practice of fasting. This further strengthens the detox process so you are able to get the most out of this cleansing process. Mindfulness through this process is key, you might find journaling insights, breakthroughs, and feelings will serve you at this time,

Utilize this healing affirmation when you are fasting, repeat as often as possible

”I release all disease from my body and welcome health, love, joy, happiness, prosperity, abundance, into my life.

How to break your fast (December 22nd)

Typically when you break a fast, fruit is one of the best foods to do this with. The structured water in fruit is the perfect balance of fiber and hydration. Here are 4 reasons we break the fast with fruit:

  1. During the rising is when your body does its the heaviest detoxification, so fruits or a smoothie will provide antioxidants to boost the efficiency of the detox.
  2. Fruit gently wakes up the digestive system and metabolism.
  3. Fruit fiber helps to clean the colon.
  4. Clean source of fuel for the body.

While detoxing, AVOID these foods

  • MEAT
  • SODA

The truth about fruit sugar

  • It is handled differently by the body than processed sugar.
  • It is a simple sugar which the body and brain run on.
  • It is an optimal form of energy.
  • Brings alkalinity and vitality to our cells.
  • Reverses acidosis and strengthens cells.
  • Does not need to be limited.
  • Does not cause insulin resistance.


Soul family, did you know that every 365 days, your skin replaces itself and the body makes new cells from the food you eat? So that means that the food you eat literally becomes part of you. So fuel your body with the best possible foods. Organic, non-GMO, and plant-based foods are not only healthy but are medicinal when consumed properly. Do your best to consume the rainbow of foods, and be as vibrant as you can be.


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