Summer Solstice Rejuvenation

Blessings Soul Family, 

The Summer Solstice is almost here, and now is the time to prepare ourselves to best utilize the potent and powerful energy of this transformative period. During the Summer Solstice, the Sun reaches its highest point in the sky and here on Earth, we experience the longest day of the year. This point marks the second phase of Earth’s journey around the sun, which began with the Spring Equinox. On this day, the Northern Hemisphere receives more sunlight than any other day. On the longest day of the year, we are reminded to fill ourselves up with the power and vitality of the Sun and to carry this energy forward as we manifest the intentions we set during the Spring Equinox. The days have grown longer as the sun has risen higher in the sky. The radiant light energy of the sun reigns supreme at this time and reminds us to celebrate the light that lives within each of us. 

This seasonal shift prompts a transformation from within. The strength and power of the sun sparks the fire of creation within us and sets our soul ablaze with the force to move us forward deeper into our mission. During the Spring Equinox, we stepped into clarity and set our sights on our goals and ambitions. All spring long, we have been embarking on new beginnings, continuously planting seeds and starting new projects. On the Summer Solstice, the Sun comes in to shine its light and illuminate the progress of our manifestations.

Vitality, expansion, opulence and extravagance, regality, prosperity, and lightness of heart are all energies of this time period so allow yourself to celebrate the beauty of life.

This is a period of awakening in our consciousness, and rising into our own radiance lasting until the Fall Equinox. Summer is a time to work on ourselves and nurture the light that we carry. It is a time to find meaning in our journey and continue to be patient as the intentions we set at the spring equinox continue to manifest and take form throughout summer.

As the sun rises and sets each day, and continually rises higher into the sky leading up to the solstice, it teaches us to remember that despite whatever darkness arises in our lives, we have the ability to bring light to the darkness and heal ourselves. No matter what we encounter, we can always rise and overcome. Remember your power, lighten your heart, purify your mind, make a commitment to your commitments and detoxify your life to get the most out of this Summer Solstice season. Ask us about the L’NEFER Rejuvanative Beauty Detox to boost your manifestations this Solstice.

Ankh, Duja, Seneb, Ase

Baba Ewan Nefertem Heru Chief High Priest

Have a magical Summer Solstice 

Below are some detox recipes to boost your energy, create healthy rituals with food, and achieve radiant, glowing, beautiful skin: (Check out our L’NEFER Beauty Food Guide)

Berry Detox Beautifying Smoothie

- Wild blueberries (can be found at Trader Joe’s at reasonable prices)

- Raspberry

- Blackberry

- Frozen bananas

- Coconut water (can be found at Trader Joe’s at reasonable prices) or Spring Water (Crystal Geyser brand recommended)

- Hemp seeds

- Optional: To boost energy add 1 teaspoon of Manuka honey or 2 dates 

Summer Solstice Beauty Detox Salad

- Cucumber (without the skin)

- Bell peppers (yellow, orange, and red only)

- Cherry tomatoes

- Red onion

- Avocado

- Fresh cilantro

- Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil

- Fresh squeezed lemon or lime juice

- Pink himalayan salt

- Cayenne Pepper (or pepper of your choice)

- Black Pepper

- All Purpose Seasoning

- Serve with Wild Arugula, Organic Arugula or Organic Romaine Lettuce


L’NEFER Summer Detox Juices & Smoothies


L’NEFER Beauty Food Guide